"Very bad form, Master Pan!"

例式 - reishiki - regular ceremony; established form
礼式 - reishiki - etiquette; manners

Two different pair of kanji; two similar meanings. Both should apply to the dojo. Many see the application of etiquette and formality as inconsequential or unnecessary, dismissing it in favor of "getting on with it". While this may function okay or even well with a small group, anything over about 10 people becomes both unwieldy and dangerous. It is my opinion that formality is of the utmost importance, should be the first thing taught and should be reinforced constantly.

Let us face the fact that the dojo is a dangerous place, no matter what measures are taken to promote safety. No matter what style you practice, the dojo will have others training at the same time. Their focus is on what they are doing, not what you are doing. Much of what they do is dangerous, to themselves and to the others around them.

The dojo is a place to focus on performing dangerous techniques, learning and improving. If everyone is focused so strongly on their own training, how do we ensure that we are not injured? The answer, of course, is れいしき (reishiki).

By following set forms for entering, leaving, beginning and ending training sessions, passing another 武道 弟子 (budo deshi, martial arts student) or 武道家 (budoka, martial artist) inside the dojo, asking for and receiving attention from the 師範 (shihan, instructor) or 先生 (sensei, you figure it out), etc. we train ourselves mentally and physically to deal with the dangers around us while not distracting others to their and/or our detriment.